Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sing Us A Song, You're the Piano Man...

Someone is playing the piano. I swear I could wake, sleep, LIVE to someone playing the piano all the time. If I was rich, one of the silly things I'd do is hire someone to just play the piano in my house all the time. I recently realized how calming and soothing I find the sound. I'd like to learn quite a few instruments (as I play none), but I think that would be my first choice. Followed by the drums, and then guitar. I should probably switch those around since I barely have enough coordination to walk without hurting myself half the time, but still. I've just always been really fascinated with drums.

I started watching Glee. Have already watched 10 episodes, gonna do more tonight. I like it...though some of the drama is a little frustrating. I kinda just wish they would break into song all the time and have that be that. Oh and Mr. Shoe's wife is a fucking psychopath. I hope she gets what's coming to her in the end. Same with Quinn...what a lying bitch. This is why I tend not to pick up new TV shows...I get a little too emotionally involved. But I love the music aspect of it and some of the spins they put on songs. And the mash-ups are AMAZEBALLS. People should make mash-ups in real life. They're mind-blowing.

I have a new silly goal. I want to listen to at least one new song every day. I tend to get obsessed with my music, especially when I get NEW music, I can't seem to turn it off. I have a library of like 4500+ songs and I probably haven't even heard a ton of them, which is just silly. I need to step out of my little box and expand. It blows my mind the amount of music out in the world...like music we've never heard of and will probably never hear of in our entire lives. I just know I always get excited when I find something new I really like so I'm going to try to actively find new stuff each day.

Plans are in the works...this excites me. It excites me a lot. That's all I really have to say about that. That and that I hope certain people don't...thwart them. (Hahahaha. I don't think I've ever used that word in my life.) Of course even if they did, it'd be for good reason, which I would be excited about. But still... Yeah. Ignore me.

Sometimes I really don't think people read/listen to anything I say. It's like I'm just saying things for my own health, not for their information or assistance or whatevs. It's just frustrating...at least read an initial bit of information or something, ya know? Otherwise don't be pissed off when you don't know what's going on...it's your own fault.

That's all my randomness for today. Love love. xx


  1. I'm listening/reading!

    What do you mean by "people should do mash ups in real life"? Cos youtube is full of em... FULL!! But I'm not sure that's what you mean.

    I don't think your new music goal is silly at all! I think it's inspiring! And if you run out of the music that you already have that you need to catch up on, check out http://www.myspace.com/lukejuby I love this guy's stuff. It's my soothe music. Seriously.

    Plans are exciting. I don't know what yours are, but it's always exciting just to have some. Otherwise life just seems to drift aimlessly. With nothing to look forward to, it's really easy to get depressed...
    OK, leaving that topic alone...

    Thanks for the random :)

  2. New music is always good, even if it's bad. At least you gave it a shot & now you KNOW you don't like it.

    I'm going to tempt you now. In case you don't already know, Amazon.com has oodles & boodles of free mp3s, sometimes WHOLE albums. And some is by people you've actually heard of, like David Bowie & Sister Hazel. I got a 20-song free cd of Sister Hazel. Still can't get over that. Check it. ;)

  3. Love it miss! and you need to listen to Josh Hoge's version of Ain't No Sunshine. LOVE IT!

  4. Piano would be my first choice as well. We were just discussing this while I was in Texas. If only I could afford the actual piano itself...

    I'm keeping my fingers no one thwarts your plans! :P


  5. i read what u say.. but i don't watch glee... i watched one episode of glee... i've only watched one episode of grey's anatomy... i've only seen the bachelorette once... :( i know, i know... what do i talk about at work? ahahah...

    i think that listening to new music is crucial. i love it when people link youtube vids, cuz i'm a very visual person, so i like to see the words or the people singing or even the lil' picture slideshows people have created for their fave songs... i also like to go on youtube to find music, because .. i like reading the ridiculously funny, sometimes inappropriate comments, and the back and forth nature of people either defending an artist, or showing support :)

    it's okay to get stuck on a song.... certain songs are my go-to songs that inspire me to be better, work harder, or just relax... but i think the whole new song a day thing is great :)

    keep on rockin' in the free world girly!
