Friday, October 1, 2010

Twitlonger: 10/1/10

Hi Everyone,

This may seem impersonal and small and a little sappy but please know it’s from the heart. I want to apologize for the last couple of weeks in general, and especially yesterday. I’m dealing with some personal things and have been trying to at least publically stay kind of mum on the situation and the details, for my own protection and because frankly a public forum isn’t really the place for it. That being said, I want to apologize for any vagueness and thank everyone for your concern and support while I go through this. I don’t want to mention names individually because no doubt my #stml will kick in and I’ll offend someone by missing them. You all know who you are and (I hope) know that I love you dearly and with all of my heart. Thank you for accepting me as I am and for knowing I’m still in here somewhere despite all this bullshit. Thank you for caring, listening, giving advice, for your patience and prayers and for essentially just loving me. It means more than I can ever tell you.

That being said, amidst my freak out last night a good friend and very wise-beyond-their-years person told me to take life as it comes, deal with what I can/have to and let the rest go. There’s a lot I’m working on that is ME and this is a big part of it. It’s going to be hard but that doesn’t mean I can’t do it. Taking it a step at a time and focusing on myself and what I need to be happy in life. Just like so many of you have told me to do. I know that I do this with your love and support behind me and that gives me the confidence in myself to start moving forward and know that one day I’ll be okay again. Y’all mean the world to me, and please know that even when you feel helpless and far away, that every word, text, call, email, etc. etc. etc. gives me hope and reminds me I’m loved. Thank you.

So, Twitter friends, this is to let you know today’s a new day. I’m starting fresh, striving to be positive and letting go of the bullshit. I apologize to anyone that I’ve worried or hurt and am resolved to stop wallowing and putting myself down. It’s a work in progress, but I’m working on it… (no pun intended, I swear). Thanks for not giving up on me.

In the great words of my favorite musical (you knew it had to go to music at some point): “No other path, no other way. No day but today.” It starts now.

All my love,


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