Thursday, October 7, 2010

Talent Doesn't Matter. Apparently.

On Twitter this afternoon, I saw that one of the people from Jersey Shore ("The Situation") is going to be on The Ellen Show tomorrow. Are. You. Kidding. Me. REALLY?

First of all, of all the reality shows out there, JS is one of THE trashiest
that there is. The fact that it's even still on the air, let alone in a second
(or whatever) season is a disgrace to the "entertainment" industry and shows
just how far downhill television has gone in recent years. Really? It's a show
about a bunch of cocky, arrogant people who are more concerned with getting a
tan and a boob job than anything else in the world. Oh and let's not forget the
girl who debated for like 4 episodes about how she was "so afraid she was going to cheat on her boyfriend" - when she'd already made out with some other guy. Seriously? What kind of alternate reality do you live in? Oh, that's right. One where you get paid to be on TV and act like an asshole. Got it.

The show itself is whatever. I think it's the stupidest thing ever to have been
on TV, so I choose not to watch it. But you mean to tell me that one of the most
popular shows in existence is actually going to allow these people to further
their already-unearned "celebrity" by having them on the show? Why? Because he's conceited and arrogant he refuses to wear clothes? Let's teach kids that
acting that way gets you money and fame. Because there isn't already enough
problems with today's youth. What good have these people actually used their newfound celebrity status for? Anything substantial? Or are they too busy tanning and doing their hair? My bad. Priorities.

Even worse, there are people with actual, real, undeniable talent who continue
to go overlooked and unrecognized. You know I have to talk about Sam Bradley -
this man who could sing anyTHING, anyTIME, anyWHERE at the drop of a hat. Who
gives us music that heals us and gets us through the bad days, or just makes us
smile. Let's not forget the fact that he even sounds better live than on record
which is especially rare nowadays in the world of Justin Bieber and (cute as I
think she is) Taylor Swift. AND he is a true performer to boot. You cannot NOT
enjoy a Sam Bradley show. Add into it the fact that beyond the music he happens
to be one of the most genuine and kind people I've ever met, who truly cares about his fans, and there should be no question as to why myself or any of his other supporters back and "pimp" him as strongly as we do. THAT is the kind of person who should be getting worldwide attention and airtime. Not some guy "famous" for not wearing a shirt and being an asshole.

Of course there are many relatively-unknown artists out there in addition to Sam
who deserve to have people pay attention and listen. Maybe if this sort of
bullshit wasn't what was being promoted and encouraged, these artists would get
the chances they deserve. I would never speak for someone else, but I highly
doubt anyone (well, aside from the JS cast perhaps) wants anything handed to
them. But I imagine they'd like a chance. And if it's deserved, they should get
that. I know that isn't the way the world works, but this type of crap just
shows you exactly how fucked up it really is. The entertainment industry isn't
about talent anymore. It's about politics, and drama, and who can make the
biggest idiots out of themselves while the camera is on. It's disgusting and the
people who promote it should be ashamed. I love...LOVE The Ellen Show. I think
she is fantastic, hilarious, kind and I love that she stands up for what she
believes in. Her and her show are way too good for this crap and frankly I'm
really shocked.

Maybe one day it will actually be about talent again. No more "famous" for nothing more than just being famous. Whatever. I'll buy the music regardless, and I guess that's what matters. It's funny though, that money is what these industry folks are so concerned about. Yet they keep missing out on the real gems.

"Hot bodies" and pretty faces and all of that crap doesn't last forever. Music
does. True talent does. A voice does. When you make something that touches
someone's heart, that never goes away. It may fade, it may be put in the back of
your mind, but it's never just forgotten. Sorry, but some asshole's bare chest
just doesn't compare. And it never will.

So, I'll keep spreading the word about things and people I believe in, even though the people with an actual "voice" are too busy with the latest fad (no matter how ridiculous it is) to do so. I'll continue to support those who deserve in whatever ways I can. Buy 20 albums and give them out as Christmas, birthday, whatever gifts. Get a friend a ticket to a show so that the next time that person or band tours, they'll buy one on their own, and bring their friends along too. There are so many ways that even "little people" like us can try to make people listen. Keep talking. If you tell ten people about something, and even one listens, and then they do the same, it makes an impact. One day real people doing real things will be what matters again. At least I hope it will. It has to.

Sam's music is near and dear to my heart, so he's my recommendation. If you don't know Sam Bradley and want to hear an example of what actual, real talent is, check him out on the net and on his upcoming US/Canada tour supporting Brooke Fraser. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.



  1. Well said, sister. I don't Watch reality shows. There's nothing "real" about them. True talent will prevail. Keep the faith. X

  2. You speak what I feel. Everything you say here is such truth. Very well said! xo

  3. very well said, darlin'<33
    all these "reality shows" are just trashy. . no talent what-so-ever!! pisses me off.
    ily friend<333

  4. hey hun :) i will admit...despite having two honour degrees.... and being quite intelligent/put together... i DO watch jersey shore! ahaha

    although... i DO think it is ridiculous... it is downright awful.. but i have a friend that reminds me of snooki.. and it makes me happy to see the airhead/sweetheart do random stupid things that my friend does :)

    i believe in true talent, and i do think that crap is being pushed on people... which is sad... that is why i write about music i believe in... even though i could write about bieber and get THOUSANDS of hits, i cannot do that. i don't believe in that music, i believe in bands that are getting me a few hits per article... but it's writing that i believe in :)

    anyway, please don't hate me cuz i love JS.. they aren't bright or have any value to add to my life... but they make me smile... and ... laugh my "omg i know SOOO much better" ass off

    luv ya hun!

  5. Please don't misunderstand... My intent wasn't even to diss the show. What I think is bullshit is that they get media recognition on something like Ellen, etc. for literally doing nothing...and these "little" artists we love get nothing. That's all; no judgment intended for people who enjoy the show. x
