Monday, January 24, 2011


Ya know what I find kind of annoying sometimes? "Making conversation." Why are people so uncomfortable with silence? Why do some feel the need to constantly speak? Especially if they are literally only yapping for the hell of it because no one else was? What is the point?

I personally really can't take overall silence in a room, but it's not because I feel awkward in it. For me, I need background noise - music, usually. Sometimes TV, sometimes just the rain. Just something in the background that I can listen to or tune out as I please. I don't see that simply being in the same room as another human being creates the necessity of deep (or meaningless, as the case may be) conversation. Sometimes it's just nice to sit down and zone out off into our own little worlds, whether it be to think, create, answer, find - or just to NOT think at all and let our bodies relax completely for a bit. Everyone needs a little bit of quiet time at some point or another, and there's not always a place where it's possible to totally get away from other people. Conversation just for the sake of conversation just frustrates me sometimes. 

I love being comfortable enough with people that we can sit in silence and be totally relaxed. I love being able to cuddle and just listen to someone's breathing or heartbeat. I love how much eyes can say. I love what you can convey with a simple touch, making words even less necessary. Comfort together even in silence, is contentment. 


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