Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea...

Cannot sleeeeeep. My brain is just going going. Maybe if I occupy myself for a bit/write something down (or in this case, type it into the notepad on my iPhone - oh, technology) it'll relax me a bit. This will probably end up random mumbling soooo yeah.

I was just thinking about people. How we (and by "we" I just mean people as a general unit) are so quick to judge by a glance or without full information. Everyone in today's world always seems in a hurry to get somewhere or do something or be something. I drive as fast as I can get away with and I'm literally unable to be late - forget late, I'm everywhere 15 minutes early. When I get voicemails at work, I just want them to give me the information I need and hang up, I don't need a life story. This is more just impatience actually than anything else so I'm getting off my topic here so I'm gonna move on...

What I was thinking about is: Does someone have a right to make a judgment and/or share an opinion about something when they don't have all the facts? Well, I guess yes - freedom of speech says they can say whatever they want. I guess more, is it right of them to do so? What would give any of us the "right" to pass judgment on a situation of which we don't have all of the information, or maybe no details at all? To assume something is one way because of how it appears to us individually? What if someone's happiness is on the line, and you mess it up for them somehow by saying something of which you know nothing about? By causing doubt or conflict or confusion or whatever the case may be. Especially if you are in any sort of position of "power" ... To take somewhat advantage of that to use it to guilt or even control someone, is wrong. Especially when you're talking of something that doesn't involve you and you know nothing about. Even if your intentions are good and you truly care about the person to whom you're giving "advice" or "opinions" to, are you really being fair to them by sharing your thoughts without knowing the whole story? True that it would be their responsibility to correct any inaccuracies or fill in any gaps as the case may be, but maybe they can't or aren't ready to or whatever. My point is that when it's a situation that doesn't directly involve you, you shouldn't involve yourself unless asked, and especially if you don't have all the information. And if you are asked it's likely because you're trusted, and you should acknowledge that trust by letting someone know if you don't know something or are unclear before offering any opinions. I'm not by ANY means saying anyone doesn't have a right to think ANYTHING they want to, they obviously absolutely do. I think that sometimes people need to be more aware of things they say to others and realize the effects that giving advice or whatever on misinformation or without all of the details can be more hurtful than helpful. If a doctor prescribes you medication, but doesn't tell you what dosage to take, does that help you? Possibly. It could also land you in the hospital, or worse.

It's true that ultimate decisions lie only on those who are directly involved in whatever situation. But as human beings I think that even if we don't necessarily do whatever someone tells us to do, other peoples' opinions do get taken into account even if they aren't actually involved (and sometimes I think even subconsciously). We all (to some extent) want approval and acceptance and positive attention/acknowledgment. We all want to be successful and happy in life. We all deal with insecurity or uncertainty about decisions that affect our overall life at some point or another. I fully believe that it's important to listen to and consider input from the people in our lives that we trust the most. But if we are concerned with what they think or suggest, it would seem to me that it'd be important they know all of the details of a situation before we take what they say into account. NOT because they are unimportant or incompetent or something; simply because they just don't know everything about it and therefore can't possibly give a fully fair, unbiased opinion. Not to say they'd definitely do that even if they did, but hopefully what I'm trying to say is getting there somehow.

I guess I just feel like people need to stop assuming things so much and judging others so quickly (and sometimes harshly). I think we also need to be more open to the fact that first impressions can be wrong (in both good and bad ways). And judging someone solely by how they look or dress or even one meeting with them or whatever is completely stupid. Everyone has layers. Everyone has good and bad qualities, good and bad days. You never know exactly what someone else is going through at any time. There is more to everything than meets the eye.

I have no idea if this made any sense. It's 2:30am. Going to go watch The Nanny and hope to fall asleep.


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